Why I Vote - President Ron Liebowitz
Why I Vote - University Professor Anita Hill
Why I Vote - Assistant Professor Jill Greenlee
Why I Vote - Norah Khadraoui ’24
Why I Vote - Professor Dan Kryder
Why I Vote - Professor Michael Rosbash
Why I Vote - Professor Sabine von Mering
Why I Vote - David Weinstein, Assistant Director of ENACT and Communications, International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life
Why I Vote - Professor ChaeRan Freeze
Why I Vote - Dean David Weil
Why I Vote - Jessye Kass '13
Why I Vote - Shayna Weiss ‘07
Email votedeis@brandeis.edu.
The VoteDeis Coalition is organized by the Dean of Students Office and ENACT: The Educational Network for Active Civic Transformation (a program of the International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life).
Access the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) Student Voting Rates Reports for Brandeis University.